click on the link to watch on Youtube. Thanks God bless.
Time With God
First off I want to thank you all for the communication and comments that we share. Yes, I know it’s been a while since I have written, and I do appreciate the kind words from all of you. I have been spending a lot of time with God in preparation of what lies ahead in my life. With that said here we go.
Time With God
By Bob Colquhoun
I find it very interesting that as humans we spend so much time in search of things that we believe will bring us happiness, pleasure and contentment. From fame and fortune to unrealistic love, we search the world high and low to find anything to fill our desires, and in the process we stumble into alcoholism, and drug abuse, only to end up in depression and loneliness. I know. I spent many years chasing the dream of being a rock star and I sat at the door of a record deal only to wash it all away with drugs and alcohol. I filled my emptiness and pain with anything that would keep me numb. I became consumed with drugs and violence, and the darkness that surrounds a life without God. In the end, it took 7 ½ years in prison to help me find what I was always looking for. The funny thing is, it was there the whole time. In a place so consumed by hate, drugs, and violence, I met and fell deeply in love with Jesus Christ. Prison became my learning ground and I spent every spare moment with God. Time with God became the most important part of my life, and it still is today. Now, I hear what you’re thinking . . . that I was in prison, I didn’t have a job, nowhere to go, nothing to do, so why not spend all your time with God. That is the farthest from the truth you can get. I had a job, went to school, sang in a band, and played sports. There was plenty to consume my time with and I did just that, but I also made time for 8 Bible studies a week and two college courses on the Bible, and that’s not including all the studying I did on my bunk. You see, we all have our prisons, mine was just behind razor wire and I could not leave. We all create things and places, and situations in our lives that we become prisoners to. Whether jobs, hobbies, sports, relationships or anything else that you can’t seem to escape from that is keeping you from time with God, these become our prisons.
I have been out now almost 12 years and I get how life can just get in the way. I am a single dad raising my 8 year old by myself. I have a full time job and a ministry that I am praying God will grow into a worldwide ministry, I am a worship leader and a youth leader and my daughter is in sports. Sometimes there just doesn’t seem to be enough time for anything and yet here I am on a Saturday night spending time with God and you. I too have the highs and the lows of life. I have had my share of pain and suffering and the heart ache of life lost, and the emptiness that comes with feeling lonely. So I get that life can beat you down.
I guess the point I am trying to get to is, that if you’re empty, and lost, and feeling alone stop searching in place that will only fulfill you for a moment. Jesus Christ will fill you for eternity. He will give you the desires of your life according to His will. You must be willing to surrender your heart and your spirit, your body, your soul, and your mind to Him. You then must allow Him to mold you into who He wants you to be. In Him you will find true love and He will teach you how to love yourself so that you too can truly love. We were created to love; only we have taking that blessing of His love and have turned it to worldly lust.
So there you are, out on the town in search of something that’s just not there. Instead of trying to fill your life with empty things, take a chance with God and watch what He will do. He saved my life with a miracle by sending me to prison. Through all the pain, the suffering, and the heart ache of life, He has allowed me to experience and know the joy of true love. I thank God everyday for who He is in my life and for true love. There will always be highs and lows and life will continue to do everything it can to beat you down, but by surrendering to Him and by spending time with Him, He will carry you through. So now how are you going to send your time? I choose God and true love.
Psalm 21: 1-6 / Psalm 23 / Jeremiah 29: 11-13 / Mark 11: 24
(Enjoy this song God wrote with me and the video my friend D B put to it. God Bless)
A prayer for Love
A prayer for Love
The Lord God Almighty, the One who formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul, the God who rescued me from the grips of evil and gave me love, hope, and new life through and by the death and the resurrection of His one and only Son Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega. The One true God who created all there was and is from nothing, He has filled His word with the promises of paradise and eternal oneness through Him and with Him. To Him be all glory and praise. He is the essence of pure love and hope, and the forgiver for all. There is nothing you can do that He cannot forgive, and there is no one He will ever turn away. I pray that my life will never reflect religion, but will bring honor and glory to a relationship based on God’s unconditional love, forgiveness, and Agape. Agape, a super natural love that only God can give.
By the surrendering and submitting of who we are, into who He wants us to be, we will begin to understand His unconditional love, grace, and mercy. By allowing Him control of our lives’, His Spirit will begin to guide and teach us to live and love as He intended us to do. Through the power of His Holy Spirit we can become vessels of and for His love. By the reading and understanding through the truth of His word, we will begin to live and love in the knowing of His purpose and will for which He has created us. May our lives be a witness to Your Love, Grace, and Mercy forever and ever. May we be a reflection for all to see, who You truly are. For You are Love. Amen
Genesis 2: 7 / Psalm 145 / Jeremiah 29:11-13 / John 3:16 / Ephesians 5:1
When I’m Alone
When I’m alone I feel His presence. When I’m down He lifts me up. When I’m tired He finds me peaceful rest. When I’m hurting He comforts me. When I feel lost, and confused He shows me who I am through who He is. He is my strength, my fortress, my portion, my shield. He is everything that is righteous and just, and there is nothing He can’t do. When the world lets you down through lies and abuse, He will pick you up for He is truth. In Him there is no sin, therefore His love is pure. In Him there is no darkness, for He is the light. Through Him there is forgiveness filled with His Mercy and His Grace. Through Him there is restoration, His purpose is to save. I once saw the world through darkened eyes full of anger and full of rage. Now through His eyes I see a different world, for in my heart there is no more hate. He is the essence of every breath I take, without Him there can be no life. He is my love, my life, my portion, and my shield; He is the very breath of life. To know Him is to want Him, to want Him is to want to know Him more. I am in love with being in love with Him; everything about Him makes me want Him more. My purpose is His plan and that is to share with all I can that through His love and through His creation, we were created to be in love. He was, and is, and always will be, love. For He alone is God.
Genesis 2: 7 / Psalm 23 / John 3:16 / John 14:6 / 1 Corinthians 13
You are love
By Bob Colquhoun
You wake me in the morning,
You fill my dreams every night,
When I’m feeling scared and overwhelmed you come and hold me tight.
Through all the twist’s in life’s journey,
Through all the highs and the lows,
I face each day with confidence, knowing every second my love for you grows.
For your love dwells deep inside of me and being in love with you is all that I know,
Even when I’m lonely, with you I’m never alone.
Your love,
Perfect in every way
Joshua 1:5 / 1 Corinthians 13