
You are love


By Bob Colquhoun

You wake me in the morning,

You fill my dreams every night,

When I’m feeling scared and overwhelmed you come and hold me tight.

Through all the twist’s in life’s journey,

Through all the highs and the lows,

I face each day with confidence, knowing every second my love for you grows.

For your love dwells deep inside of me and being in love with you is all that I know,

Even when I’m lonely, with you I’m never alone.

Your love,

Perfect in every way

Joshua 1:5 / 1 Corinthians 13

You are everything to me

You are everything to me and for me.

By Bob Colquhoun for you

When I cry, you dry my tears. When I laugh you laugh with me. When I’m happy you share in my joy. When I’m sad you lift me up. You have always been there for me. When I’m alone I am never lonely, because you are always in my heart. When I’m scared you give me strength. When I hurt you comfort me. When I feel lost your always there to guide me.  You are my portion, my strength, and my shield.  When I stumble you pick me up, you are everything to me. There is nothing I can do to make you love me more, and nothing I can do to make you love me less. Your love is perfect.  You are God

Psalm 23 / Psalm 28:7 / Psalm 119: 57 / Lamentation 3:24 /

Being In Love With God


Being In Love With God

by Bob Colquhoun

Loving God with all our heart, mind, body, and soul means to surrender and submit all of who we are so that He can transform us into who we are for Him. It is continually setting aside our current  life  so that God’s life can reside in our heart  and He can live in and through us. We must not only continually strive to make the right faith choices, giving God the authority to work in us, but we must also give God our lives so that we can live out the faith choices He gives us.


Romans 12:1


Loving God with every bit of our lives means becoming one life with Him. It’s exchanging our own thoughts, emotions, and desires, for His Image, His Love, His Wisdom, and His power. It means letting go and surrendering our mind, body, and spirit to His will and purpose for our lives. That has been His desire from the very beginning.


Genesis 1:26-27 / Galatians 2:20


Realizing the fact that we will make mistakes and we will stumble allows us to truly see and know that Jesus Christ was, is, and always will be, the perfection we should strive for. Through His death He took upon Himself the penalty for our sins. Through His resurrection forgiveness became alive, and through His life we must live as one with Him. This is the Agape ( super natural Love) of God.


Romans 3:23, 5:8, 6:23, 10:9 / Ephesians 4:4-6 / John 3:16

The Power Of The Ressurection

The Power of the Resurrection

W/B: Bob Colquhoun

What is meant by the phrase “the power of the resurrection?” To understand,  first we must take a look at what the word resurrection means. Webster’s defines resurrection as:  1: the act of rising again from the dead. 2: the rising again of Christ after His death and burial 3: the rising again of men on the judgment day. In looking at this, it is evident to see that there must be a form of death, either physical or spiritual, in order for there to be resurrection. For me,  one of the greatest evidences of the resurrection of Christ is the dramatic change that the followers of Christ experienced.

It is evident through the word of God that after the death of Christ His followers were so lost and confused that they retreated to their homes and locked themselves in. They were alone, scared, and in disbelief that the one they thought would save them all, was gone. Their spirits, their hopes, their dreams, and their Savior crushed, gone, and dead. The power is in what happens next, and for this there is only one explanation. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John all speak of the fact that His followers had locked themselves in their homes in fear of the Jews, and of the fact that Jesus their Savior was dead. Then the Word says that He appeared to them, more than once, and they were transformed from fear and sadness to overwhelming joy and power.  Power in their spirits, power in their souls, power in their hearts, and power in their words. For this there could only been one explanation, Jesus had been resurrected from the dead.

Just as He was resurrected from the form of physical death, His followers were resurrected from a spiritual and emotional death. They went from hiding to proclaiming that Jesus is alive, and this is the power of the resurrection that we cling to daily. The power that gives us the courage to stand for Jesus Christ no matter what the world might say, even unto death. The power to know that sin and Satan have no authority over the One who defeated death, and bought us all with the price of His blood.

Jesus Christ was, is, and always will be every bit of the power in and through the resurrection. He is and always has been God. His plan, even though for some, confusing and hard to fathom, is and always has been perfect. Even as I look at the devastation of my past and look at some of the unspeakable things that sin took me into doing, I now realize that I was dead in every way. Through the power of His perfect plan and of His resurrection, He paid the price and bought me for the day of my resurrection.  He took me from living a life dead in sin, to living a life sold out and surrendered to Him and for Him.  Totally in love with Him.

This is the power that is available to all of us. There is no sin to great, no life so low, and no one so lost, that His Love, Grace, and Mercy can’t save you. All you must do is confess, surrender, and submit every bit of who you are to who He is. There is no time to waste, now is the time, come and feel the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Be ye transformed.

Read about His resurrection and the resurrection of His followers in

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts 4:8-20


Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace How Sweet It Is

by Bob Colquhoun on Monday, June 27, 2011 at 9:01am

Do you truly know that God loves you? Do have doubts and fears that tell you that you’re not worthy His love , and salvation? This is the lie that has most people have bought into. Rather than surrender and submit themselves to the only one who can truly save them. They reach for self help feel good books or even buy into the lie that there is no hope and they begin to self medicate there pain, anxiety, and depression with alcohol, drugs, and prescription medications. Somewhere along the way we have lost the reality of the awesomeness of God. His love is effortless, and endless. His love can reach down to the lowest of lows and lift us to the highest of highs. His forgiveness is unconditional and His Mercy is for anyone and everyone. Salvation, and true love belong to Him and He gave it to the world as a gift in His Son Jesus Christ. You must understand that ours is not to understand but to just receive all that He has to offer. God’s love is a supper natural love call Agape. Agape is a love that comes with no conditions. Come as you are and allow the power of the Holy Spirit to transform your lives. There is nothing to lose but everything to gain. This, my friends is call Grace. Our lives and everything that goes along with them have been bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ. Hope, forgiveness, sin, pain, suffering, new birth, transformation, Mercy, and Agape love all belong to Him. Sounds simple and one sided and almost unfair, but that’s what makes Grace, Grace. Grace can only be grace when it’s undeserved, unearned, and unmerited. So no matter where you are in your life ,whether the valley or the mountain top take a moment to tell yourself that you are worth it and allow the power of Holy Spirit to transform your life through the Grace of the almighty God.

Grace means, God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Everything God has to offer bought and paid for by Jesus Christ as a gift to all who choose to believe and receive.  Surrender your heart to the One who created you.

Ephesians 2:8/ John 3:16