click on the link to watch on Youtube. Thanks God bless.
A prayer for Love
A prayer for Love
The Lord God Almighty, the One who formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul, the God who rescued me from the grips of evil and gave me love, hope, and new life through and by the death and the resurrection of His one and only Son Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega. The One true God who created all there was and is from nothing, He has filled His word with the promises of paradise and eternal oneness through Him and with Him. To Him be all glory and praise. He is the essence of pure love and hope, and the forgiver for all. There is nothing you can do that He cannot forgive, and there is no one He will ever turn away. I pray that my life will never reflect religion, but will bring honor and glory to a relationship based on God’s unconditional love, forgiveness, and Agape. Agape, a super natural love that only God can give.
By the surrendering and submitting of who we are, into who He wants us to be, we will begin to understand His unconditional love, grace, and mercy. By allowing Him control of our lives’, His Spirit will begin to guide and teach us to live and love as He intended us to do. Through the power of His Holy Spirit we can become vessels of and for His love. By the reading and understanding through the truth of His word, we will begin to live and love in the knowing of His purpose and will for which He has created us. May our lives be a witness to Your Love, Grace, and Mercy forever and ever. May we be a reflection for all to see, who You truly are. For You are Love. Amen
Genesis 2: 7 / Psalm 145 / Jeremiah 29:11-13 / John 3:16 / Ephesians 5:1
The Power Of The Ressurection
The Power of the Resurrection
W/B: Bob Colquhoun
What is meant by the phrase “the power of the resurrection?” To understand, first we must take a look at what the word resurrection means. Webster’s defines resurrection as: 1: the act of rising again from the dead. 2: the rising again of Christ after His death and burial 3: the rising again of men on the judgment day. In looking at this, it is evident to see that there must be a form of death, either physical or spiritual, in order for there to be resurrection. For me, one of the greatest evidences of the resurrection of Christ is the dramatic change that the followers of Christ experienced.
It is evident through the word of God that after the death of Christ His followers were so lost and confused that they retreated to their homes and locked themselves in. They were alone, scared, and in disbelief that the one they thought would save them all, was gone. Their spirits, their hopes, their dreams, and their Savior crushed, gone, and dead. The power is in what happens next, and for this there is only one explanation. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John all speak of the fact that His followers had locked themselves in their homes in fear of the Jews, and of the fact that Jesus their Savior was dead. Then the Word says that He appeared to them, more than once, and they were transformed from fear and sadness to overwhelming joy and power. Power in their spirits, power in their souls, power in their hearts, and power in their words. For this there could only been one explanation, Jesus had been resurrected from the dead.
Just as He was resurrected from the form of physical death, His followers were resurrected from a spiritual and emotional death. They went from hiding to proclaiming that Jesus is alive, and this is the power of the resurrection that we cling to daily. The power that gives us the courage to stand for Jesus Christ no matter what the world might say, even unto death. The power to know that sin and Satan have no authority over the One who defeated death, and bought us all with the price of His blood.
Jesus Christ was, is, and always will be every bit of the power in and through the resurrection. He is and always has been God. His plan, even though for some, confusing and hard to fathom, is and always has been perfect. Even as I look at the devastation of my past and look at some of the unspeakable things that sin took me into doing, I now realize that I was dead in every way. Through the power of His perfect plan and of His resurrection, He paid the price and bought me for the day of my resurrection. He took me from living a life dead in sin, to living a life sold out and surrendered to Him and for Him. Totally in love with Him.
This is the power that is available to all of us. There is no sin to great, no life so low, and no one so lost, that His Love, Grace, and Mercy can’t save you. All you must do is confess, surrender, and submit every bit of who you are to who He is. There is no time to waste, now is the time, come and feel the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Be ye transformed.
Read about His resurrection and the resurrection of His followers in
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts 4:8-20