Why doesn’t my post appear right away?
Our website is a moderated forum. This means that posts are reviewed before being displayed publicly. It is not our intent to filter out ideas, suggestions, or disagreement. However, we want to do our best to ensure that the content is respectful of others, and reflective of a Christian environment. We want to hear from you!
How can I open a new page without leaving the LiveGodNow Website?
Our links may take you to other websites. Based on current standards we do not force a new page to open, and to return to our website, simply type in LiveGodNow.org or press the Left Arrow or Back Button in the top left of your browser window. If you wish to open the link in a new browser window simply press the Ctrl key and hold it down while you click on the menu choice. This will force the website to open in a new browser window leaving your current cpcnewhall.org webpage open. In the event that the website you land on does not honor the “back” (left arrow at top of browser) button, press the back button twice as quickly as possible.
Do you agree with everything on the websites you link to?
Our links may you to other websites. I do view each site that we link to prior to adding it to our website. However, content does change, and there is always the possibility that at some time sites may carry information or opinions that we would not choose to have as part of our site content. In general, if you see content that is objectionable and/or does not conform to the beliefs outlined in the Apostle’s Creed, please let us know by emailing us or posting a comment in our help forum. None of the sites we link to are intended in any way to express a political affiliation. Christians should vote their conscience, based on research, careful consideration, and the leading of the Holy Spirit
What browser works best?
Internet Explorer 9 or above, Google Chrome 13 or above, or Firefox 5 or above. The website will automatically format to mobile devices such as IPhone using current browsers such as Safari. Apps such as the search app from google for IPhones and others may not provide full functionality.